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Ack! They're linking to me already!


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Since checking where I fit in on the scheme of Google (no meta yet, and haven't even linked to hardly anyone), I thought maybe I should check my stats. Well, it's not just W3Schools folks checking my site anymore. :) Apparently due to some of the posts I've been building on my blog as I've been working on my new project site, that site is already getting picked up and linked to.I currently have no formal coming soon/under construction notice on my site--and I don't want people to think I'm just a ninny, especially because the latest version is the one w/o absolutes, and I haven't fixed the div spillover problem.Should I:-get rid of the part that mentions AdSense since I haven't even registered for that yet since the site wasn't ready-immediately put up a notice on the main about how this site is a current project in progress, and as such, is really not ready for gp viewing?-Get what exists functional, and just roll with it?HELP! I so wasn't expecting this. Usually my blogs hardly get noticed at all! :)

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A site in progress is always more fun to visit than a site that is complete. If I like a site and the owner has promised to update it with more features, I'd be more compelled to visit that site tomorrow to see if their div problem has been fixed, or if they've changed their pngs to gifs, or big things, such as if they've written another guide or redone their layout. But the site has to be interesting from the start to work, and if yours is already getting linked to, roll with it! :)

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Good thoughts all around! Thank you. :)I did add a subtle notice (this is so not the blinking sign the size of a watermelon type page), had enough time to edit a placeholder on the blog into another review, and also fixed some links on the left hand column as they now have a home to go to.http://www.comicsgal.comSimple, but true, and letting them know one thing to look forward to, at least, if not two. The update notice in the upper right hand corner should be helpful for return visitors to know whether there's something new to look at, yes?

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Well, I'm not sure I know the whole history. But if there was an old site, then I would put that up. If the old site was just a direct hit to your blog, then I'd just show that. Additionally, if you are going to develop on a live server - which is often times unavoidable - then create two folders on the root of the site - /d/ and /l/. Where "/d/" is a copy of your site for development and "/l/" is your live site. In the root of the site put a 301 redirect script that points to the "/l/" folder. When you're ready and all done, then you can copy your "/d/" folder contents to "/l/". This way, for whatever reasons, your development site can run of your live databases if you need to see that.So, I'd remove any page that your disclaimer is intended to cover. I think it is confusing to visitors right now - - is your blog serious? Any time you mix development content in a live environment, it discredits the real content since it can be assumed to be surrounded by garbage.my $0.02:)

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Skemcin: It's a brand new site. Normally, I'll just build the site offline, and when it's done, I'll go live with it. But because I was looking for input/help, I originally had a "coming soon" page on the main, and then a /new folder for the project site. I honestly don't remember why I got rid of that coming soon page and just moved it all up one. I've not tried to do a blog offline yet. After this episode, if I do another new site that needs blog content up and ready for the launch, I will most definitely be doing that instead. :) Like I said, since I already have the links coming in, did it make sense to take things down, as I would most assuredly lose the traffic. The disclaimer is a just a note on the bottom of the main page "This site is a work-in-progress" etc., etc.. It's not a separate under construction page or anything like that.The blog discusses comics. It's not a literary nor artistic focus, mostly just fan. So, while I do take my opinions seriously, I don't consider this site serious in the academic sense. I'm not claiming to be a comics expert on any level.

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