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Interface Made w/ Fireworks/Dreamweaver?


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Hey guys, I'm trying to make a website interface with Macromedia Fireworks. I also have Dreamweaver, and suspect it would be very useful in this situation, but I don't know how to use it yet.I will post a picture of what I'm talking about, then I'll upload the page if it seems like anyone is responding.Basically, I am trying to make the content that I insert into the main interface box (you should see what I mean) editable within HTML. The concept I am trying to accomplish is this: I want the text selectable, I want to be able to use line breaks, alignment, hyperlinks, etc... - but I also want it to appear within that box, maybe using the image behind it as a 'background' for that area.Also, is there a way to do layering period on a website? I don't care if it's HTML, JavaScript, VBScript... Whatever will accomplish layering. Here is the task that I need this for: You may notice a 'glass pane' effect over the silver boxes. I want that to remain as the top layer over everything else on the website - that way I retain the 3D feel of the interface.NEVERMIND THE IMAGE - GO TO THE HOSTED LINK...I had to dither the image because the .gif quality sucked. The .jpg image is way better, but I don't know how to make it transparent so that I can use my tiling background with it. Does anybody know how to make a transparent image that retains 100% of the image's original quality?The flashing part is the JavaScript rollover for the links.I figured I would go ahead and upload the complete HTML version as well - http://www.iribbit.net/i/lifeisbinary/mock-up_2/Oh yeah, I only sliced the JavaScript mouseover for the "HOME" button by the way. Also, The grey rods that connect the interface are a last minute touch - they aren't going to stay flat grey, I'm incorperating them into the interface and adding shading.If anyone was wondering, I made the interface from complete scratch - it's my own work.Thanks for the help,LifeInBinary.(Skemcin, this is the second mock-up I was tossing around while waiting for you. The client says he wants something "not too fancy" that's just good quality and functional to start with - that's the one we are working on. I thought maybe I could use this to improve the graphics? I haven't gotten the stuff at the bottom yet, but I'm working on that.)

Edited by Life In Binary
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Can you guys even see that image? Geocities seems to have pulled my account after I uploaded that - weird! I sent them a message to customer service to figure out what went wrong. Any thoughts?I will host it with angelfire I guess, or maybe try my luck with another account on geocities... It will probably be tomorrow because I'm about to eat and watch a movie with my wife tonight - I'll probably just go to bed after that...Is there a way to attach an image in this forum?

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Yeah, you can attach files when you make a post. They are limited on size, and I think each user has a total file size that they can attach for all posts. It would be nice if that limit increased with the post count, I'm not sure if it does or not.

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Yeah, you can attach files when you make a post.
I have seen other people do that. This might sound weird, but this is the only way I have been able to even see the section for attachments... I tried to insert a link with the button beside the bold, italic, underline buttons - after i put in the url and hit enter, it told me something weird and the box said undefined - i hit enter again, and there's my link - then I noticed attachment options below my text. Weird. I was thinking, I had to select enable script something from my browser (I'm using the latest IE) to see the box to insert the link - so maybe that has something to do with it? I guess I'll try to insert a link, allow the script, then delete the link - then see if I can do attachments...Would it be cool if I attached a .zip with all the files for the site?Thanks,LifeInBinary.
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good job, it is really coming together.
Thank you aspnetguy. By the way, do you think you could help me out with a contact form later down the road?Also, not to sound rude at all, but my question still stands. You probably don't want to read that whole post, but if you feel like it I asked some questions concerning the interface. Again, I apologize if that comes off a bit rude.Thanks for the comment,LifeInBinary.
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