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Preload CSS - Alignment off for text with MozFF

Guest enigmafyv

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Guest enigmafyv

I'm not sure if there's a way to preload CSS before the page, so that when the page loads the html it pulls the CSS on time. What I mean by this is, I'm building a page that adjust a lot of the text around and for some reason, a specific div doesn't align quite right. If I do a simple refresh then the div will align properly.I'm not concerned with how it works in IE since it works fine, and I plan on redesigning the page for IE purposes (because IE sucks at CSS so I have to), but my main concern is when it loads in Firefox, the "price" div doesn't align the first time you load the page. If it's cached then the next time you visit the page, the prices are aligned correctly. I'm not using images to display the prices, just simple text.Anyone have any ideas?

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Best idea I come up with is to ask you to post some code and a link to the page.As for 'pre-loading the CSS', the CSS for a page is cached after the first download and should not require 'pre-loading' after that. Unless the client is clearing their cache or you have a Meta-Expire/no-cache tag in the page.Without the code we are only guessing about what is happening. Also, you don't mention which DTD you are using... if at all.

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