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Many images viewed individually in one page


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Hey all!I'm not sure if I'm at the right section of the forum so sorry for any inconveniences... direct me if any better than here to search and/or post.I'm looking at a way to have my images (photos) to show up individually into a single page. I'm lazy; I don't want to have as many pages to display my images individually... but I'm not lazy to learn something that could make me achieve my goal! :) Here's the context. I have a batch of pictures and their respective thumbnails and I thought it could be nice to have only one page to show in all my pictures individually (one at a time). With my current knowledge, I would need to code a page for each image... that's boring... or chose to display them without any page container... that's not very professional I believe... The way I want it is to have a couple of pages for my thumbnails to show and when a visitor click on a thumbnail to see the full size, it would open up this individual image display page.I hope I have made myself clear enough... let me know.Thanks in advance for any help!

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The mid size thumbnail is interesting... but not what I'm looking for. In your example, when you click on the mid size thumbnail, it open up the full size image ONLY without anything else... which is not wrong but just too plain for what I want fpr my business web site.Say I have a 1st thumbnail page with 10 thumbnails. I want that when a visitor click to get the full size, it open up a container page for the full size. The "tricky" part is that I want only ONE container page for ALL my full sizes. By container page I mean a page that would contain the "clicked on" thumbnail full size image with some other stuff like my business logo, page formating, text, links. etc...I'm beginning to think that I'll have to get into script of any kind for this... if I could just get a push into the right direction, I could probably lift off on my own.Thanks!

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Are you just talking about a page that you load that will display an image with your logo and styling around it? If so, you probably want to use either PHP or ASP or Coldfusion (whatever the server supports) to create a page that gets the image name from the URL and throws it into the image tag. You can have your logo and everything set up, and have something like this:<img src="images/<?php echo $_GET['image']; ?>" />You would link to the page like this:view_image.php?image=xyz.jpg

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Yes, that sound like what I want. My hosting is quite basic, so got to check... I was more hoping for something that would not require any assistance from my web site hosting services like browser scripting rather than server script. I'm not yet very familiar with any scripting but I'm reading on JAVA scripting today.I can tell that I don't have access to the server public cgi folder and that I could not even customize 'formail' script... :) I'm host for free on my Internet provider. :) Thanks!

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If you're working with a free host then you're probably going to be restricted and not be able to do what you want. You could do this in Javascript, but it's a lot more complex. If you want to do it in Javascript, then you need to learn how to get the filename from the URL (you will have to parse window.location yourself I think), and then have Javascript set the source of the image tag to the filename. It would take 2 or 3 lines of code to do it with PHP though.

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