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Submit by selecting a textbox


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What you can do is

<form action="xx" method="xx" name="w3c"><other form stuff/><input type="submit" name="iSub" /></form>

and in the JS write


I hope this works!

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Hi all,First of all I am not an expert in developing html but I am getting (a little bit) wiser every day. I created a screen (frontpage/plain html) wich displays customer codes. When I select (double click) a customer code (using Firefox 2.0) it will be copied to the top code. This works fine when I use onselect at all textboxes:onselect="document.getElementById('code').value=document.getElementById('code1').value"onselect="document.getElementById('code').value=document.getElementById('code2').value"onselect="document.getElementById('code').value=document.getElementById('code3').value"etc.Now I want to submit the form at the moment the code is copied and I tried this:onselect="document.getElementById('code').value=document.getElementById('code3').value;document.myform.submit();return true;">The code is still copied but the submit wont work. How can I submit a form (after copy the text into another textbox) by only selecting a textbox? So I do not want to do any extra click on a submit button.I hope someone can help me. Thank you in advance!Rob

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Hi Prateek,thank you very much for your reply. I tried to do what you said but it doesn't work in the onselect:onselect="document.getElementById('code').value=document.getElementById('code3').value;document.myform.isub.clicked;">I guess I miss a lot of expertise here.Could you please give me an example how to set this up in the onselect?Kind regardsRob

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try document.myform.isub.clicked=true;

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Hi all, thank you again for all your response.I tried what you all suggested but somehow it won´t work.<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION= "xhlvz" name="myform" id="myform"><input type="text" name="code" id="code"><input type="text" name="code1" id="code1" onselect="document.getElementById('code').value=document.getElementById('code1').value;document.myform.iSub.clicked;"><input type="text" name="code2" id="code2" onselect="document.getElementById('code').value=document.getElementById('code2').value;document.myform.iSub.clicked=true;"><input type="text" name="code3" id="code3" onselect="document.getElementById('code').value=document.getElementById('code3').value;document.myform.submit();"><input type=”submit” name =”iSub” />Maybe I did something wrong or I didn´t understand. Maybe my code is wrong. I hope you can help me out.Kind regardsRob

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Hi all,I found the problem. I defined a button with the name="submit", so the document.myform.submit() reffered to the input button named submit. I changed the name and now it works fine.Again, thank you all for your response!Kind regardsRob

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