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going to a page.


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Hi, i am working on a forum that inputs data into a table on my database. I currently have it "echo"ing a message saying that it was successfuly submitted. Instead what i want it to do it to go to a different php page.Here's part of my code:

<?phpif (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {?><form action="" method="post">Foreame: <input type="text" name="forename"><br>Surname: <input type="text" name="surname"><br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Next Step >>"></form><?php} else {$Forename = $_POST['forename'];$Surname = $_POST['surname'];mysql_query("INSERT INTO `djpCustomer` (forename, surname) VALUES ('$Forename', '$Surname')");echo "Success! Your details has been added!";}?>

I cant think of what to do at all, i know i want to replace the "echo" link with some code that, once the submit button is clicked, will take me to the next page ("step2.php"). Any suggestions?

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You can use header wherever you want if you separate the PHP from the HTML.
IPB won't allow that though in the old templating system it used in 1.3.1 (Nor does vBulletin 2.)Putting header("blah") will output that error Header information already sent by header.tpl.php on line 1.
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That just means that they didn't properly separate the PHP from the HTML. If you have the PHP and HTML totally separate, you can send headers at any point. The last step of a script like that is to load the HTML template and format it for display, so up until that point you can do whatever you want. Once the template gets sent to the browser then you can no longer do that, so the script should reserve all output for the last step, regardless of what else it needs to do.

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That's why when I try to edit the browser location, I use window.location instead.

<?phpif (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {?><form action="" method="post">Foreame: <input type="text" name="forename"><br>Surname: <input type="text" name="surname"><br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Next Step >>"></form><?php} else {$Forename = $_POST['forename'];$Surname = $_POST['surname'];mysql_query("INSERT INTO `djpCustomer` (forename, surname) VALUES ('$Forename', '$Surname')");echo "Success! Your details has been added!";?><script>window.location.href = 'blah.htm'; // Add setimeout if needed.</script><?php}?>

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Which will be a pain in the butt if you try to do a header after the header is init. Because people often times (when coming from JS) blindly put the header function where javaScript would put window.location.href (after the headers) and that doesn't work IE:

<?phpfunction onClick2($locale) {	 if($locale !== "" || $locale !== false || $locale !== null) {		  header("Location: ", $locale);	 }}?><input type="button" onClick="<?php onClick2('blah.htm'); ?>">

Since PHP parsing puts any header information (unless specified in an include or require) before the first HTML it detects, it'll give the error:Cannot modify header information. Already outputted by blah.php on line XWhere blah.php is the code I just put down above.

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Read the fine print beforehand:
This function will turn output buffering on. While output buffering is active no output is sent from the script (other than headers), instead the output is stored in an internal buffer.
In this case, it wouldn't be best to use this. Since I may forget to close the OB.
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I think you're missing my point. I never redirect with Javascript, it's either a header or if I just set a cookie then it will be with a meta refresh. This is the point I'm making - if you separate the PHP from the HTML, you can redirect whenever you want. Look at this script for a user to update their information:

<?phprequire_once("include/global.conf.php");auth_user();if ($page_mode == "submit"){  get_form_var("name");  get_form_var("address");  get_form_var("phone1");  get_form_var("phone2");  get_form_var("email");  get_form_var("email2");  get_form_var("fax");  get_form_var("website");  get_form_var("notes_sched");  get_form_var("password");  get_form_var("confirm_password");  #validate  if (!validate_email($email))	$errorString .= "invalid_address;";  if (trim($name) == "")	$errorString .= "blank_name;";  if ($errorString == "")  {	if (db_exists("SELECT * FROM {$DB_PREFIX}users WHERE email='" . db_escstr($email) . "' AND id!={$USER_LOGIN_ID}", __FILE__, __LINE__))	  $errorString .= "email_exists";	if (db_exists("SELECT * FROM {$DB_PREFIX}client_users WHERE email='" . db_escstr($email) . "'", __FILE__, __LINE__))	  $errorString .= "email_exists";	if ($password != "")	{	  if (!validate_password($password))		$errorString .= "invalid_user_pw;";	  elseif ($password != $confirm_password)		$errorString .= "invalid_user_cpw;";	}	if ($errorString == "")	{	  if ($password != "")	  {		$pw = sha1($password);		$now = timest();		$salt = md5($email . $now);		$db_pw = create_db_hash($pw, $salt);	  }	  $sql = "UPDATE {$DB_PREFIX}users SET "	 		  ."name='" . db_escstr($name) . "', address='" . db_escstr($address) . "', phone1='" . db_escstr($phone1) . "', phone2='" . db_escstr($phone2) . "', email='" . db_escstr($email) . "', email2='" . db_escstr($email2) . "', fax='" . db_escstr($fax) . "', website='" . db_escstr($website) . "', notes_sched='" . db_escstr($notes_sched) . ($password != "" ? "', password='{$db_pw}', salt='{$salt}" : "") . "'"			." WHERE id={$USER_LOGIN_ID}";	  db_query($sql);	}  }}$page_name = "My Information";require_once("include/template.php");$page = new Page();$content = array();$content['sys_name'] = $SYSTEM_NAME;$content['sys_path'] = $HTTP_SYSTEM_PATH;$content['page_title'] = $SYSTEM_NAME . ($page_name != "" ? ": $page_name" : "");$content['error_text'] = parse_errors();$content['selected_menu_item'] = 'userinfo';#menu permissions$perms = get_menu_permissions();foreach ($perms as $key => $val){  $content[$key] = true;}$user = db_get("SELECT * FROM {$DB_PREFIX}users WHERE id={$USER_LOGIN_ID}", __FILE__, __LINE__);foreach ($user as $key => $val){  $content[$key] = ($val == "" ? " " : $val);  //convert empty to nbsp}$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM pub_resumes WHERE name='{$user['name']}'", __FILE__, __LINE__);if (db_num_rows($result) > 0){  $resume = db_fetch_assoc($result);  $content['has_resume'] = true;  $content['resume_id'] = $resume['id'];}$page->set_template("edit_my_info.tpl");$page->process($content);$page->output();?>

I can send whatever headers I want on literally any line up until the last line that outputs all of the HTML. It's not buffering, it is separation of presentation and logic.

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