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php shopping cart tutorial


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Hello.Could plzz you tell me about a good php shopping cart tutorial?I allready have the website, it displays pictures and info of the products from a database.But now I need to add the other part to let people buy the products.Thank you .

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I seriously doubt you're going to find a tutorial on "how to build a shopping cart". People don't really write tutorials for specific applications, they write tutorials to teach people how to program. That means it is up to the software designer to determine how he or she wants to build the software. Figure out what you want your shopping cart to do, design it, and built it. That's what everyone else does.Why do I feel like half the posts I make here are repeating something that was already said?

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I got a php book which has an example of a shopping cart. It's well explained but never tried to create one. I don't remember the name of the book since I don't look at the cover lol... I only look at the content.Or maybe it was PHP for geniuses!!!

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Yeah, but in a context like that they are using an example (a shopping cart) to illustrate concepts in PHP. They aren't trying to show you how to build a good shopping cart. The thing that sucks about following a tutorial or an example to build an application is that when you're finished, you've essentially built something that someone else designed. You might as well just download one. People build their own software because they want to design it to work exactly how they want, not how someone else wants, so you need to learn how to design software and program so that you can design the software to work how you want it to. If you're not going to go to that effort, then just download a published one and be done with it. But don't expect to not have a decent knowledge of how PHP works and expect to be able to follow some tutorial to build a complex application and have it actually work like you want. If you want to build software to work how you want, then you need to learn how to design and write software, there's just no other way around it. A tutorial or example only shows you one possible solution for a problem, it doesn't teach you anything about theory.

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