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Functions and Bracket Notation

S Murder

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Can you give an example? Bracket notation is typically only used for array syntax, assuming you're talking about [square brackets]. Give an example of referencing the property using the notation you're talking about.

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Can you give an example? Bracket notation is typically only used for array syntax, assuming you're talking about [square brackets]. Give an example of referencing the property using the notation you're talking about.
I'm told every Object in JS is an associative array of functions and properties, and I heard everything that can be referenced with dot notation can be referenced with bracket notation too.var anchorTag = document.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];//dot notation for propertiesanchorTag.href//bracket notation for propertiesanchorTag["href"]//dot notation for functionsanchorTag.toString()//bracket notation for functions?????
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I'm not sure, you might be able to. If you can, the syntax would be like this:anchorTag["toString"]()If your situation is that you have a function name in a string and want to execute the function, there is another way to do that as well. If you have some Javascript code in a string, you can use eval. Here is a simple function call:

var js = "toString";eval("anchorTag." + js + "()");

Or a more complex example:

<html>  <head><title>test</title></head>  <body>  	<script type="text/javascript">	var array_name = "test_array";	var element0 = "val1";	var element1 = "val2";	var element2 = "val3";	var js = "var " + array_name + " = new Array();\n";	js += array_name + "[0] = \"" + element0 + "\";\n";	js += array_name + "[1] = \"" + element1 + "\";\n";	js += array_name + "[2] = \"" + element2 + "\";\n";	alert("Code to run:\n" + js);	eval(js);	alert("Array has " + eval(array_name + ".length") + " elements");	alert("First element: " + test_array[0]);	</script>  </body></html>

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