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Works locally but not on the server


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Here's a snippet of code from the HTML page:The form is called contractinfo and it has a bunch of different fields. There is one named 'model' which is referenced in the JS code..

<input name="otherPhone" id="otherPhone" type="text"  disabled="yes" style="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11px;">

Here's the JS code. It works locally but when I upload to my webhost it doesn't work. Any ideas?

function showOther(){	if (document.contractinfo.model.value != "Other")	{		document.getElementById("otherPhone").disabled=true		document.getElementById("test").style.color="white"	}	else	{		document.getElementById("otherPhone").disabled=false		document.getElementById("test").style.color="red"	}}

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