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div size manipulation


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ok i have a div with a background image that is larger than the screen. i want it to size the div such that the image will continue to the end of the content, or to the end of the page, whichever comes last.if i do size=100% then it will cut off the image when you scroll downand the default makes it stop before the end of the page if the content doesnt fill up the pageand i dont really want to fill up the page with line breakscan anyone think of a way to do it?thanks :)EDIT: whoops just realized i accidentally put this in css. mods plz move?

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Sorry, I didn't really understand you, but I think this will help what your trying to do.View the properties to the image and look at its height and width.Then base the size of the div on the width and height of the image.I think this topic should be in CSS well as long as your using CSS to set the size of the div.

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it should already do that with repeating... well, as long as your div is the entire page, which i doubtyou could just set your page background to the background you wantor one final option would be setting the div to a fixed position so it wont move even when scrolling the page up and down (note: if you use this option, dont put anything else in this div...)

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