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[justify]Hi,I am Raghav (Born to hack)I have 2 questions

I came to W3schools a lot of time. I played a lot of RPG's too. The only thing in common was that thye used PHP as their language (all of 'em)! I thought I should learn it too and i did it. I use the free web host www.free-site-host.com i creted an uploading script too. Check it here:-[url="http://full-releases.free-site-host.com/image-upload/"]http://full-releases.free-site-host.com/image-upload/[/url]Now, uploading done I already knew MySQL, And i was extremely happy to know it could be linked with PHP.I will come to the point now. I want to create an RPG, Pokemon RPG. Here's what i can do:-1)Registration form2)Login form3)Validation through e-mail4)Manage players info in database.5)The only thing I can't do is create/manage PHP session (so no logouts too lol)So, can anyone give me a bit explanation on Sessions. (I have read w3schools tutorial, also the sessions section)

I want to create a form through which i can create a file. Create a file in my website, whos name I can enter in a field. It should have a few feilds like a field in which I could enter a title and the exact text will be the title of that page. Other box will be to enter Heading like 'Age of empires' then a box to enter a link of a picture to be put under the heading and the last one will eb decription like this i can easily add my revies on games on my website. Plus a link should be added on the review page so that people know that a review on that particular game has been added.

Sorry for adding em in codebox lol!

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help pls guys 21 views no replies!!! pls help!

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Calm down, it takes a while to get a reply, this thread has only been here for 5 hours. It doesn't help that I have to scroll to the right in the codebox to read everything. You can edit that codebox out you know.Read the section on sessions from php.net:http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.session.phpThe short version is that you need to use session_start on the top of every page you want to use sessions on, and it needs to go before any output. Once you do that, you can use the $_SESSION array to store and read session data. Ask a specific question if you have any, but I can't give a better general session overview then what is already written there, so read that first.If you want to make a review section, it will be a lot easier for you to manage if you use a database instead of creating files. I don't know what your experience with PHP or MySQL is, but it would be better to store all of the reviews, picture filenames, titles etc in a database and then have a PHP template page where you get the information from the database and fill it in where appropriate. That way you aren't creating static HTML files that you can't easily edit or things like that. With a database-driven review system you can also set it up so that people can add comments to the reviews or whatever else you want to do.If you still want to create files, here are the filesystem functions:http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.filesystem.phpIf you haven't done much work with PHP before, you'll first want to learn how to deal with forms. Start here for that:http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_forms.asp

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thx I will check em after lunch!

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