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something wrong with my arrays


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im getting the parse error 'Parse error: parse error, expecting `']'' in /usr2/web/alumni/tigercubs/almost_index.php on line 108' on this line

<a href="' . $all[$k[0[picture]]] . '"><img src="' . $all[$k[0[picture_t]]] . '" alt="' . $all[$k[0[name1]]] . '" width="133" height="100"></a><br />

the array that those variables belong to looks like this (don't ask why the goofy formatting,its a combination of things, just live with it)

Array 	( 		[0] => Array 			( 				[0] => Array 					( 						[0] => 1 						[id] => 1 						[1] => picture1.jpg 						[picture] => picture1.jpg					) 			) 		[1] => Array 			( 				[0] => Array 					( 						[0] => 2 						[id] => 2 						[1] => picture2.jpg 						[picture] => picture2.jpg 					)			 ) 	)

does anyone know why im getting this error :/ (I have checked, more than once, there are no unclosed brackets before or after that line, and yes i know that the variables called in the code aren't in the array i just showed you, but I didn't want to spam the board with a massive array)

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That's definately not C syntax, it's also not PHP syntax.For those following along at home, something like this:$all[$k[0[picture]]]should be written like this:$all[$k][0]['picture']..which turns out to be both C-style and PHP syntax

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