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http://www.kevmedia.cahttp://www.inerds.caPortfolio aint done on kevmedia, and french site not done on inerds
Both of the sites designs are very good, but it takes a long time to load and I am on at least a 2.5MB broadband connection, people on dialup would most probably have left your site by the time it has loaded. I has been proven that if a webpage doesn't load within 11 seconds, then people will look elsewhere, no matter how good your site is.Appart form that though, your website design and layout are astonishing! I prefer the second one though.
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Yea thanks. I thought I got the load times down. Geuss not. Ill see what I can do. Generally only the splash page takes a while as it is preloading images of the website. So technically after the splash the, the rest of the site should load faster than usual.

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The pages aren't very big for me. The kevmedia pages are under 200k each, and the inerds pages are under 300k each. It shouldn't take you 11 seconds to download 300k on a 2.5mbps connection, it took me only two or three seconds per page.

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This download time seems to have reduced now, but that may be because the pages are in my internet files. I wasn't saying it took 11 seconds, I was just saying that studies showed people would go elsewhere if a site didnt load in 11 seconds. On the first page, it says it is downloading a picture, even though it doesnt appear to be doing, this could be a picutre for the main website though.

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Hello, i just started learning HTML (and i design in flash btw, as a hobby), so i just wanted to ask since this is HTML part ofthe forum, is the web-site www.kevmedia.ca done completely in HTML, coz it looks kinda flashy to me ? (if it IS done completely in HTML great!). Maybe a stupid question but i am new and not sure what html can do exactly :)

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