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Menu bar help needed.


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http://stusgames.awardspace.com/test/index.htmOkay here's the thing. I have 2 problems I need help with. they are as follows.1: How do I get the grey of the tabs to continue on until same length as the nav bar?2: How do I get Internet Explorer to stop sticking a gap in between the Navigation bar and the locations bar?Sorry if they are noobish questions but I'm only just going back to web design and can't remember anything :S. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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http://stusgames.awardspace.com/test/index.htmOkay here's the thing. I have 2 problems I need help with. they are as follows.1: How do I get the grey of the tabs to continue on until same length as the nav bar?2: How do I get Internet Explorer to stop sticking a gap in between the Navigation bar and the locations bar?Sorry if they are noobish questions but I'm only just going back to web design and can't remember anything :S. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
can't you just position it in your css file a little lower ??? position: 99% 97%; ?? or something like that ? idk I'm still new as well and most likely wrong ...
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Do a search here for "Conditional Comment". That will help you get set up to use a style sheet for IE.My guess is that you will have to put a negative margin on your <ul> or something. That will pull that dark grey box up and get rid of the white space.

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So if I understand correctly, you want the light gray to stretch all the way across as long as the page. What you could do is throw a div in there with absolute positioning (assuming you know the exact distance from the top and its height) and set it to 100% width.

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