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I need help, with maintaining the selected name in a jump menu


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I need help, with maintaining the selected name in a jump menu. I have a jump menu with four names in it. and when I select a name in the jump menu, I have it going back to the same page, and I would like it to maintain, the selected name that I have selected, and I would like to pass on a Request.querystring variable or a hidden file like a siteID when the jump menu is activated. Here is what I got so far. Form1 is a jump menu that does not have a Request.QueryString attach to it and From2 has a Request.QueryString attach to it at the Dynamic source "<%= Request.QueryString("Countryname2") %>" The jump menus are on "Test Jump page.asp". and all the names in the dropdown list go back to the same page. I can see the name and value in the URL at the top of the page. But I can't figure out how to get that to influence the name in the dropdown list. So any help woulb be good.<body><form action="" name="form1" id="form1"> <select name="Countryname1" id="Countryname1" onchange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)"> <option value="Test Jump.asp?Test1=1" selected="selected">Test1</option> <option value="Test Jump.asp?Test2=2">Test2</option> <option value="Test Jump.asp?Test3=3">Test3</option> <option value="Test Jump.asp?Test4=4">Test4</option> </select></form><form name="form2" id="form2"> <select name="Countryname2" id="Countryname2" onchange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)"> <option value="Test Jump.asp?Test5=5" <%If (Not isNull(Request.QueryString("Countryname2"))) Then If ("Test Jump.asp?Test5=5" = CStr(Request.QueryString("Countryname2"))) Then Response.Write("selected=""selected""") : Response.Write("")%>>Test5</option> <option value="Test Jump.asp?Test6=6" <%If (Not isNull(Request.QueryString("Countryname2"))) Then If ("Test Jump.asp?Test6=6" = CStr(Request.QueryString("Countryname2"))) Then Response.Write("selected=""selected""") : Response.Write("")%>>Test6</option> <option value="Test Jump.asp?Test7=7" <%If (Not isNull(Request.QueryString("Countryname2"))) Then If ("Test Jump.asp?Test7=7" = CStr(Request.QueryString("Countryname2"))) Then Response.Write("selected=""selected""") : Response.Write("")%>>Test7</option> <option value="Test Jump.asp?Test8=8" <%If (Not isNull(Request.QueryString("Countryname2"))) Then If ("Test Jump.asp?Test8=8" = CStr(Request.QueryString("Countryname2"))) Then Response.Write("selected=""selected""") : Response.Write("")%>>Test8</option> </select></form></body></html>

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Try something like this:<select name="Countryname2" id="Countryname2" onchange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)"><option value="Test Jump.asp?link=1" <%If (Not isNull(Request.QueryString("link"))) Then If ("1" = CStr(Request.QueryString("link"))) Then Response.Write("selected=""selected""") : Response.Write("")%>>Test5</option><option value="Test Jump.asp?link=2" <%If (Not isNull(Request.QueryString("link"))) Then If ("2" = CStr(Request.QueryString("link"))) Then Response.Write("selected=""selected""") : Response.Write("")%>>Test6</option>

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The easiest way is to just add that information onto the URL that they get redirected to. If you want to add a value from another field on the page, you will have to edit the MM_jumpMenu function and add whatever is necessary into that to append another value onto the URL before it redirects.

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