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CSS Table Like Site


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I have been through the tutorials on the W3 website and it seems fairly simple to follow but what I don't get is how I actually form a page layout with it.I understand about formatting text and such but how do I lay things out around pages to make it look like a table design?

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I have been through the tutorials on the W3 website and it seems fairly simple to follow but what I don't get is how I actually form a page layout with it.I understand about formatting text and such but how do I lay things out around pages to make it look like a table design?
You need to position your page elements using the various positioning tools. Relative, Absolute positioning, using floats and margins.
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It's a decent learning curve so don't give up.Think of the browser window as a big box. You have to move things around in your box. Padding/margin move things around differently. Learn the difference between the 2. Learn how floats work. You will use them quite often. Then you will learn how worthless of a browser IE is.Learn how to use conditional comments. It will be a little more work up front, but it is well worth the investment.Conditional Comments:http://www.quirksmode.org/css/condcom.htmlHere is 40 layouts to download. No sense in reinventing the wheel. However, I would study them so you can understand what's going on. It isn't very often you can take a template and use it for what it is. You will need to know how to modify it to fit your needs.Layouts:http://blog.html.it/layoutgala/Lastly, don't hesitate to ask questions.Good luck!

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Also, try not to use absolute positioning unless you are desperate :) as the layout afforded by using it is extremely inflexible. Also, as S@m said, don't forget to test your pages in all browsers, as the newer CSS styles sometimes appear differently in different browsers.Finally, don't forget to set the <body> and similar tags to your own values, as every browser has slightly different values for them.And yes, IE is quite useless. Why couldn't they have stuck to web standards... :)

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Also, try not to use absolute positioning unless you are desperate :) as the layout afforded by using it is extremely inflexible.
You 've mentioned that before, but the only workaround IE's (6) "funny" layout was to get rid of all fixed positions and replace them with absolute.Is there some other way?I don't necessarily need absolute, but I had to use it! :)
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Don't use "fixed", use "relative" - this means that the element will be placed according to normal HTML flow. Fixed means that they will stay in the same place even if the client scrolls the page.Perhaps post the code you are having problems with or give us a link, we may be able to give further help :)

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yes, (Synook) you are right about the "fixed" positioning, but to tell you the truth, I think "absolute" is the golden section of FF and IE... right?and thanx btw! :)

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Well, I suppose it depends on what sort of layout your website has, but personally I find absolute positioning very rigid.

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