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appending to an array in foreach()


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how would you append to an array using your own key names?, i want to organize the results of a sql query differently to be easier to code with and easier to understand, but im having problems converting it

foreach($locations_query as $thingy) {		$locations .= array($thingy['id'] => $thingy['name']);	}

that, for reasons i dont know just makes locations 'ArrayArrayArrayArray' etc, one 'Array' for each time the foreach loop loops, without the '.' in '.=' (using just =) it overwrites the array each time, so all im left with is the last valueany suggestions?

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The . operator is string concatenation, it doesn't work for arrays. For arrays you can either use the array_push function, or you can use bracket notation.$locations[] = array($thingy['id'] => $thingy['name']);

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that doesn't do quite what im looking for, it creates an array as such

Array ( 	[0] => Array ( 		[$thingy[id]] => $thingy[name]	)	[1] => Array (		[$thingy[id]] => $thingy[name]	))

(the values of the php variables in place of the variables themselves, i did it this way to help show what i mean)I need

Array ( [$thingy[id]] => $thingy[name]		[$thingy[id]] => $thingy[name])

since the id is being pulled from the primary field in a sql table, it will never be the same, so each time it loops through the array a new value is put in the array with the key being the id of the record the loop is on

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You can't have EXACTLY that, you know. I mean, array keys are unique.You could have

$locations[$thingy['id']] = $thingy['name'];

[edit]Ah, you figured it out[/edit]

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Your reorganizing an array from a SQL query? why not just change the SQL query? I'm assuming your query looks something like this:

SELECT * FROM your_table

Why not just do this:

SELECT id,othercolumn,morecolumns,oy FROM your_table

Also, in this case, i believe array_merge() would have done it fine. it takes 2 array's and merges them together, but i believe you could juse use the += character and that should've worked fine.

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Your reorganizing an array from a SQL query? why not just change the SQL query? I'm assuming your query looks something like this:
SELECT * FROM your_table

Why not just do this:

SELECT id,othercolumn,morecolumns,oy FROM your_table

I needed values from one field in the sql table to be the keys in the array, can't do that with a query
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