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Return MySQL query results into indexed array?


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I'm trying to get the results of mysql_query() into an indexed array so i can access specific locations later on. I want to have a for loop later that goes through and does something a set number of times (22 to be exact). Here's the code I'm trying to get to work.

$company_ids = mysql_query('SELECT id FROM _companies WHERE cust_sales_rep = '.$sales_rep_id);$num_companies = 0;$num_companies = mysql_num_rows($company_ids);		$companies_per_day = $num_companies/22;		$stop_point = 0;		// After determining the number of companies for each day, go thru and assign each day's call datefor ($i = $stop_point; $i < $companies_per_day; $i++) {		    $one_id[$i] = mysql_fetch_array($company_ids, MYSQL_NUM);	    // Creates the call     db_query("INSERT INTO _calls_test (`desc`, sch_call, company_id, type, user_id) VALUES ('Auto generated frequency call','".$$todays_date."','".$one_id."','Frequency','".$sales_rep_id."')");				}	

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All arrays are indexed, some are indexed with numbers only and others are associative. In PHP, all arrays are technically associative. Also, this query has problems:db_query("INSERT INTO _calls_test (`desc`, sch_call, company_id, type, user_id) VALUES ('Auto generated frequency call','".$$todays_date."','".$one_id."','Frequency','".$sales_rep_id."')");There is no variable called $todays_date, so $$todays_date is going to fail, $one_id is just going to print the word "Array" (because $one_id is an array), and there is no $sales_rep_id variable defined.

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