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If elseif


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I need some help with the following code below. When it runs it only updates the first if statement but does not update the elseif's in the database.

if ($red == 1 & $red_2 == 6 & $one > $two) {$aaa = "1";}elseif ($red == 1 & $red_2 == 10 & $three > $four) {$bbb = "1";}elseif ($red == 1 & $red_2 == 9 & $five > $six) {$ccc = "1";}elseif ($red == 1 & $red_2 == 8 & $seven > $eight) {$ddd = "1";}else {$aaa = "0" & $bbb = "0" & $ccc = "0" & $ddd = "0";}

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Err... I don't quite understand. What does databasing have to do with that code? Perhaps the complete section posted would help.

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When you use if elseif, only the first section that evaluates to true will be executed. So what exactly is your problem? If you want, you can have nested conditions if that is what you're asking i.e.:

if ($red == 1 & $red_2 == 6 & $one > $two) {  $aaa = "1";  if ($red == 1 & $red_2 == 10 & $three > $four) {	$bbb = "1";  }else {	if ($red == 1 & $red_2 == 9 & $five > $six) {	  $ccc = "1";	}else {	  if ($red == 1 & $red_2 == 8 & $seven > $eight) {$ddd = "1";}	}  }}else {$aaa = "0" & $bbb = "0" & $ccc = "0" & $ddd = "0";}

but again, that depends a lot on what are you trying to accomplish.[edit]"}" added[/edit]

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Ok let try rewording the question. I have a database that has colums aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd. I my php code I have$red$red_2$one$two$three$four$five$six$seven$eightOk now when $red = 1 and $red_2 = 6 then I would like it to add a 1 to the aaa coloum in the database, but also if $red = 1 and $red_2 = 10 then I would like it to add a 1 to bbb coloum in the database and so on. Right now it is adding the 1 to aaa but not bbb, ccc, ddd. I can make an input box and add the 1 to aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd so I know it can be added manualy.By the way boen_robot, you are missing a } in your code that you have.

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I don't see how can $red_2 have more than one single string value at the same time...Hmm... now that I look at it a bit closer, the "and" operator is actually "&&", not "&". So, you need:

if ($red == 1 & $red_2 == 6 && $one > $two) {$aaa = "1";}elseif ($red == 1 && $red_2 == 10 && $three > $four) {$bbb = "1";}elseif ($red == 1 && $red_2 == 9 && $five > $six) {$ccc = "1";}elseif ($red == 1 && $red_2 == 8 && $seven > $eight) {$ddd = "1";}else {$aaa = "0";$bbb = "0";$ccc = "0";$ddd = "0";}

I think "&" is also a valid operator, but it's just not the one you really want.

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Don't even use elses at all. Else means that one action isn't going to happen if the action before it happened. If you want each of those actions to be evaluated independently of the others then just remove the else statements and make it a series of if statements.

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Don't even use elses at all. Else means that one action isn't going to happen if the action before it happened. If you want each of those actions to be evaluated independently of the others then just remove the else statements and make it a series of if statements.
justsomeguy I used what you said and itworks and does not work. If I use the following codeit does not work and only does like before and only updates aaa
if ($red == 1 && $red_2 == 6 && $one > $two) {$aaa = "1";}if ($red == 1 && $red_2 == 10 && $three > $four) {$bbb = "1";}if ($red == 1 && $red_2 == 9 && $five > $six) {$ccc = "1";}if ($red == 1 && $red_2 == 8 && $seven > $eight) {$ddd = "1";}else {$aaa = "0";$bbb = "0";$ccc = "0";$ddd = "0";}

but if I use the following it updates all but then throws off what $red_2 is.

if ($red == 1 && $red_2 = 6 && $one > $two) {$aaa = "1";}if ($red == 1 && $red_2 = 10 && $three > $four) {$bbb = "1";}if ($red == 1 && $red_2 = 9 && $five > $six) {$ccc = "1";}if ($red == 1 && $red_2 = 8 && $seven > $eight) {$ddd = "1";}else {$aaa = "0";$bbb = "0";$ccc = "0";$ddd = "0";}

By the way red and red_2 are text boxes.

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You still have an else in there. That means if the last condition fails, all the variables get reset no matter what happened before. Set the variables to their default values first, then change them.

$aaa = "0";$bbb = "0";$ccc = "0";$ddd = "0";if ($red == 1 && $red_2 = 6 && $one > $two) {$aaa = "1";}if ($red == 1 && $red_2 = 10 && $three > $four) {$bbb = "1";}if ($red == 1 && $red_2 = 9 && $five > $six) {$ccc = "1";}if ($red == 1 && $red_2 = 8 && $seven > $eight) {$ddd = "1";}

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