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htmlentities / mysql_real_escape_string


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What's the difference between htmlentities and mysql_real_escape_string? I know they both prevent a user from entering data that could be a danger to your site, but how would you know which one to use?I've got a form that allows a person to contact me.

$name=$_POST['name'];$email=$_POST['email'];$subject=$_POST['subject'];$comments=$_POST['comments'];$to="user@address.com";if (mail($to,"Email subject: $subject",$message,"From: $email\n")) {echo "Email sent";}else {echo "Email not sent";}

And then on my html page would be the input fields and submit button. So would I use htmlentities or mysql_real_escape_string in a case like that?

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Like Ingolme said, when you use MySQL code, use mysql_real_escape_string(), and if you are outputting something in the browser use htmlentities() so they can't add their own HTML, scripting languages (Javascript, VBScript), ActiveX, Flash (with use of Actionscript), etc.

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