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Getting the date to appear in a template email using file_get_contents


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Hi i have a form which when Submitted goes to a page with the following code that emails the content. The content is embedded in a template. My problem is I can't get the date to appear in the mail.I need to make the date a key so i can just rap it in # # If anyone could help that would be grerat<?PHP$to = "myMail@gmail.com" . ", " ; // note the comma$to .= "myOther@gmail.com";/* subject */$subject = "Contract";$a = file_get_contents('template.html');foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value) { $a = str_replace("#".$key."#", $value, $a);}/* To send HTML mail, you can set the Content-type header. */$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";/* and now mail it */mail($to, $subject, $a, $headers);?>

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Well usually i would say look up a template parser, that would make this a lot easier. But i'll go through the long and ugly really quick:Loading the file: good. Now, here's what i would do:in your template file, have something like <%date%>, and then do this

//File allready loaded, assumption;$a = str_replace("<%date%>",date('d  F Y'),$a);//The rest of your code;

But i would look up a template parser for PHP, and if all else fails, borrow the one from phpBB 2.0.x

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