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you know how in tutorials pages have like html code? well how do they use like html when its an html page? so like if you're making a tut and you want to show what code u put in. what tag do u use to it doesnt show the form it shows the code for the form? like how it doesnt actually do the code but just shows it.like how on this page: http://www.jgpws.com/tutorials/css/css_layout1.html

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If you look at the source code of such pages, you'll see that they use (X)HTML entities to do that. In particular, they escape (X)HTML's special symbols "<", ">" and "&" with "& lt;", "& gt;", and "& amp;" respectively.NOTE: Remove the space between the "&" and the name of the entity. I've added it because this board interprets entities.

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NOTE: Remove the space between the "&" and the name of the entity. I've added it because this board interprets entities.
If you want to show an entity ( < ) you can do it by adding the Ampersand entity next to it &lt;Hmm, strangely, it's not interpetting my entities.
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If you want to show an entity ( < ) you can do it by adding the Ampersand entity next to it &lt;Hmm, strangely, it's not interpetting my entities.
You'll see them interpreted if you try to edit your post. I almost always notice typos after I have posted something, and go to fix them. Because of that, I now have a habbit of never using entities directly.
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