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The weirdest problem ...


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I have in installation of Drupal and recently used it to create a "Most Recently Added" section, which appears to be working fine. Going through my testing plan, I have happened across what may be one of the weirdest problems I have ever seen.I have the most recent posts displayed as a list, with the title of the node added and the author underneath. In all browsers apart from Firefox, both the node and the author appear as links. If you click the node title, you can see the content that has just been added, if you click on the username, you can see the user's profile. In Firefox, the node title is not clickable, although the author's username is.I have checked the source code, and I can't see anything wrong with it. The original Drupal code uses a lot of class names, which I haven't needed to utilise for this section but unfortunately can't take out as it affects other parts of the site. I have included any relevant CSS below. I haven't put all the HTML/CSS as there's absolutely masses of it and it's a bit difficult to trawl through it and get to the end of the problem.HTML

<div id="right-sidebar"><div class="block block-views" id="block-views-tracker"><div class="blockinner"><h2 class="title"> Most Recent Posts </h2><div class="content"><div class='view view-tracker'><div class='view-content view-content-tracker'><div class="item-list"><ul><li><div class='view-item view-item-tracker'><div class='view-label view-label-node-title'>Title</div><div class='view-field view-data-node-title'><a href="/drupal/?q=node/73">Company Charity</a> </div><div class='view-label view-label-users-name'>Author</div><div class='view-field view-data-users-name'><a href="/drupal/?q=user/1" title="View user profile.">admin</a></div></div></li><li><div class='view-item view-item-tracker'><div class='view-label view-label-node-title'>Title</div><div class='view-field view-data-node-title'><a href="/drupal/?q=node/71">test meeting rm different day</a> </div><div class='view-label view-label-users-name'>Author</div><div class='view-field view-data-users-name'><a href="/drupal/?q=user/1" title="View user profile.">admin</a></div></div></li><li><div class='view-item view-item-tracker'><div class='view-label view-label-node-title'>Title</div><div class='view-field view-data-node-title'><a href="/drupal/?q=node/70">test event 2</a> </div><div class='view-label view-label-users-name'>Author</div><div class='view-field view-data-users-name'><a href="/drupal/?q=user/1" title="View user profile.">admin</a></div></div></li><li><div class='view-item view-item-tracker'><div class='view-label view-label-node-title'>Title</div><div class='view-field view-data-node-title'><a href="/drupal/?q=node/69">test meeting room request test meeting room request test</a> </div><div class='view-label view-label-users-name'>Author</div><div class='view-field view-data-users-name'><a href="/drupal/?q=user/1" title="View user profile.">admin</a></div></div></li><li><div class='view-item view-item-tracker'><div class='view-label view-label-node-title'>Title</div><div class='view-field view-data-node-title'><a href="/drupal/?q=node/66">test notice 2</a> </div><div class='view-label view-label-users-name'>Author</div><div class='view-field view-data-users-name'><a href="/drupal/?q=user/1" title="View user profile.">admin</a></div></div></li></ul></div></div></div></div>    </div></div></div>


/*RECENT*/div.node h2.title{background:none; text-align:left;} div#block-views-tracker div.item-list li{background: #e2eff7 url(images/bgnavigation.jpg) repeat-x 0px 100%; height:auto; padding:5px; border-bottom: 1px solid #cedbe3; font-size:0.75em;} div.view-label{font-weight:bold; width:30%; display: -moz-inline-stack; /*firefox*/display:inline-block; vertical-align:top;}* html div.view-label{display:inline;}* + html div.view-label{display:inline;}div.view-field{ width:69%; display: -moz-inline-stack; /*firefox*/display:inline-block;}* html div.view-field{display:inline;}* + html div.view-field{display:inline;}

I am testing with IE5.5, IE 6.0, IE 7.0, Firefox, Opera 9.0 and Safari for PC (Beta)If anyone could shed some light on this really weird problem, I'd be really grateful.

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Link to the installed page, please?
I'd love to give it but it's internal and password protected. I know it's not great to ask for help with so little information but I am desperate and wondered if there was any chance anybody had ever happened across this issue before.UPDATE: I have removed the inline-block CSS and the links have become clickable in FF again. Any ideas how inline-block could possibly affect the a tag? For the effect I want, inline-block appears to be the only solution I can use and it's most frustrating that it's not working in FF.
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It may be that the 'inline-block' elements were sitting on top of the links that did not work. One 'layer' covering another... sort of.
Oh thank you so much! I added position:relative to the surrounding div and the a tag and now the links work perfectly in all my browsers.
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