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PHP Form Help


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Okay. I am not the greatest nor smartest at PHP, I'm a n00b at it basically. I threw this code together to write contents to a file:HTML page to input data:

<head><script language="javascript">function First() {document.getElementById("2").disableddocument.getElementById("2").checked=false }function Second() {document.getElementById("1").disableddocument.getElementById("1").checked=false }</script></head><form action='add_verse_compile.php' method="post">Book: <SELECT name='book'>		  <OPTION value=''>--Select--</OPTION>		  <OPTION value='Genesis'>Genesis</OPTION>	  </SELECT><br>Chapter: <input type='text' name='chapter' maxlength='3' size='2'><br>Verse: <input type='text' name='verse_num' maxlength='3' size='2'><br>Verse Contents: <br><textarea name='verse' rows='5' cols'45'></textarea><br>First Verse of Chapter <input type='checkbox' name='type' onclick='First()' id='1'>Last Verse of Chapter <input type='checkbox' name='type' id='2' onclick='Second()'><br><input type='submit' value='Add Verse'></form>

PHP Page to compile/write to the .txt file( I know I'm inserting HTMl into the txt file, but I use these files in a php include so it doesn't matter, the HTML goes through and is outputted as normal HTML)

<?php $book = $_POST['book'];   $chapter = $_POST['chapter'];  $verseid = $_POST['verse_num'];  $versecontents = $_POST['verse']  $beg = $_POST['beg'];   $end = $_POST['end'];  $txt = $book ."/". $chapter ."/". $verseid .".txt"  $file = fopen("$txt","w+");echo fwrite($file,"<h4>$beg</h4><br>$versecontents<br>$end<br><a href='#' onclick='Prev()'>Previous Verse</a>   <a href='#' onclick='Next()'>Next Verse</a>");fclose($file);?><?php echo $_POST['book']?> <?php echo $_POST['chapter']?>:<?php echo $_POST['verse_num']?> was successfully added to the database.

When I load the php script, all I get is a blank page, nothing, not a PHP error, just a blank page. Please Help me.-Matt

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There's nothing immediately wrong with your code, from what I see, although you may want to change your code a bit.

$book = $_POST['book'];  $chapter = $_POST['chapter'];  $verseid = $_POST['verse_num'];  $versecontents = $_POST['verse']  $beg = $_POST['beg'];  $end = $_POST['end'];  $txt = $book ."/". $chapter ."/". $verseid .".txt"  $file = fopen("$txt","w+");echo fwrite($file,"<h4>$beg</h4><br>$versecontents<br>$end<br><a href='#'onclick='Prev()'>Previous Verse</a>   <a href='#' onclick='Next()'>NextVerse</a>");fclose($file);php echo $_POST['book'].' ,'.$_POST['chapter'].":".$_POST['verse_num']?>

By the way, if you're using php 5.0 or greater, use file_get_contents() and file_put_contents(), it's much easier.oh and before the error_reporting, try this(becuase its entirely possible your host disabled this)


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Basically after every function call put this after the ending parentheses, but before the semi colon:OR die('Error message for you to see here');

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Still get blank page, here's what I did:

<html><head></head><body><?php ini_set('display_errors','1');error_reporting(E_ALL);$book = $_POST['book'];  $chapter = $_POST['chapter'];  $verseid = $_POST['verse_num'];  $versecontents = $_POST['verse'];  $beg = $_POST['beg'];  $end = $_POST['end'];  $txt = "http://websiteurl.com/directory/". $book ."/". $chapter ."/". $verseid .".txt"  $file = fopen("$txt","w+") OR die("Couldn't open file");echo file_put_contents($file,"<h4>$beg</h4><br>$versecontents<br>$end<br><a href='#'onclick='Prev()'>Previous Verse</a>   <a href='#' onclick='Next()'>NextVerse</a>") OR die("Couldn't write to file");fclose($file) OR die("Couldn't close file");?></body></html>

Still getting blank page, no error messages

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Okay, just finally got a page full of error messages:Atleast it is something, I guess it took half a day for the server to update?It says on one of them that [function.fopen] is disabled in the webserver configuration. well, I need a new host then.-Matt

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Well the only thing i could think of would be if you started doing things one line at a time. you know, rebuild the page from the beginning, then, after every line echo out the result.

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