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Resize/Float Problem


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My site http://www.josephchapman.com has a problem. It may have more, but I am particularly frustrated with just one.the content contains two main divs, one floats left, the other floats right and the width of both are defined percents.When I resize the window to 800x600 the right floated div falls below the left one, but I hoped they would both just continue to decrease in width. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?Thank you in advance.

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Change the margins on the two side-by-side small boxes in the main-content area from absolute size in pixels to percentages and you should be good to go. I tried 2% for the left/right margins and it looked ok.What happens is the two boxes are percentage sized, so they take a certain number of pixels of width, based on the screen wide. As they get smaller, the margins do not reduce in size proportionately, so the boxes with their margins become too wide for the container and the right box drops down.

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