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URL help


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I am trying to pass variable in URL. I am not getting the value as expected. Here is my URL link:<a href=pers-searchresult.php?groupno=$groupno&asofstart=$asofstart&asofend=$asofend>$groupname</a>This is how I retrieve the info in the next page.

if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['groupno'])) {   $groupno = $HTTP_GET_VARS['groupno'];} else {   $groupno = $_POST['groupno'];}if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['asofstart'])) {   $asofstart = $HTTP_GET_VARS['asofstart'];} else {   $asofstart = $_POST['asofstart'];}if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['asofend'])) {   $asofend = $HTTP_GET_VARS['asofend'];} else {   $asofend = $_POST['asofend'];}

When I echo the asofstart and asofend, I don't see the value. Can someone please help?

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The way your link looks, with php vars inside, I'm assuming that's the for it takes in a script, before it gets rendered in the browser. Well, it won't work. Major quotation and interpolation problems.Try this:

<a href="pers-searchresult.php?groupno=<?php echo $groupno ?>&asofstart=<?php echo $asofstart ?>&asofend=<?php echo $asofend ?>"><?php echo $groupname ?></a>

Or you could put the whole href value into a var and just use one echo statement, but the php mini-script will still have to come inside quote marks so the quotes get printed.

<?php $myHREF = "pers-searchresult.php?groupno=$groupno&asofstart=$asofstart&asofend=$asofend"; ?><a href="<?php echo $myHREF ?>"><?php echo $groupname ?></a>

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Now, it is working. But I have another problem. After retrieving the URL, my sql statement is not working. Here is my sql statement:

$sql = "SELECT UCASE(ph.groupno) as groupno, ph.name, b.FirstName, b.LastName				FROM Policies p INNER JOIN persHorizon ph ON p.GroupNumber = ph.groupno				INNER JOIN Brokers b ON p.managing_broker_id = b.PersonID where 1";   if (strlen($groupno)!=0) {$sql = $sql." AND `groupno` LIKE '%".$groupno."%'";}   if (strlen($groupname)!=0) {$sql = $sql." AND `name` LIKE '%".$groupname."%'";}   //if (strlen($asofstart)!=0) {$sql = $sql."AND `asof` BETWEEN '".$asofstart."' and '".$asofend."'";}   if (strlen($asofstart)!=0)   {   if (strlen($asofend))		 $sql .= " AND " . " str_to_date(concat(right(asof, 4), '-', left(asof, 2), '-01'), '%Y-%m-%d') " . 	 		 " BETWEEN '" . substr($asofstart, 3) . "-" . substr($asofstart, 0, 2) . "-01" . 		   "' AND '" . substr($asofend, 3) . "-" . substr($asofend, 0, 2) . "-01'";	else		 $sql .= " AND `asof` = '{$asofstart}'";   }	elseif (strlen($asofend))  {	$sql .= " AND `asof` = '{$asofend}'";  }	$sql = $sql." ORDER BY `groupno` DESC";	$RESULT = mysql_query($sql, $objConn);	$CNT1 = mysql_num_rows($RESULT);

I am able to run from PHPMYADMIN area, but not working in webpage.

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Hi, it would be nice if you put the result url, the only thing i see so far is the lack of quotes.something like:$str = "<a href='pers-searchresult.php?groupno=$groupno&asofstart=$asofstart&asofend=$asofend' >$groupname</a>";and print the whole $_POST and $_GET to see what are you receiving.

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