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Localization versus database


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I want to set the captions of the label controls based on the language that the user selects.I would like to know whether one should use database to store the captions or creating a resource file for the same would be a better option ?

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I think the argument could be made to save this data in files for the simple reason that the data probably isn't going to change very often. Once you set up the values, you won't have to update them very often.Then, if you implement some type of caching mechanism, you could load the localization data into memory once, and each time you need to use it to display some text, you wouldn't have to look that up in a file (or a database table for that matter).But, honestly, I think either solution would work for something like this.

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Hi Guys,Thanks for the reply.The captions table has around 400 records & I am using Access database , So would it advisable to cache this much amount of data.If I don't take caching into consideration, then would it better to use Localization or still use the database.

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I think that depends on how much traffic your application is going to be getting. If you're only getting a few requests an hour, then I don't think there'd be a problem with fetching those values from the database each time you need them. On the other hand, if you are getting hundreds of requests a second, then you'll want to load that data once and read if from memory every time after that.Since you already have the database built, there's no reason why you should start over and store that in a series of files.

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