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hide recepiant email addresses


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Hi, I don't know where to post this so move it if it's not for here.I am starting a mailing list to keep my members up to date with all the new features and content from my site, so I'm SQL'ing the list of emails, and copy/pasting it into the To: field in my email application, but I don't really want members to feel as if their email is like on the lose and can be seen by everyone, so how can I make the TO: bar look like this:To: undisclosedSo I can hide peoples emails ???Thanks for your help.

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You could have your own email in the to field ( and as JSG said the rest in the BCC field).

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Hi, just tested that with a few emails of my own, I put multiple emails int the CC field and when I got the email, I saw all the emails in that field

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Put it in the BCC field - Blind Carbon Copy. Depending on your email client, you may have to check "View all headers" or something similar.

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