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Remove .php


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How do websites remove the file extensions on their pages? In example, how google uses something like this: http://www.google.com/webhp?tab=mwI've been looking around the web for awhile, and couldn't find much relevant information, and the information that was relevant, didn't work. I'm sure this isn't the right forum, but I couldn't find a forum that seemed like it should go there.

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Hmm, for that I think you'd have to change the configuration of the server to execute PHP in files that don't have an extension.

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You can use Apache's mod_rewrite to append the .php onto URLs that don't have it (when requested from your server).

RewriteRule ^(.*?)\?(.*?)$ $1.php?$2

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Google does not use PHP. Most sites that use PHP (e.g. wikipedia, mysql.com, etc.) will have the .php extension on its pages.

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Wikipedia uses PHP, but they also use mod_rewrite to hide the extension. In fact, their RewriteRule is fairly complex, with paths converted into querystrings.

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