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View Inbox in message system


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I built a messaging system for a website I'm building. So far I've been successful at everything I add to it. But I want to add a script that will show "Box is empty" is there's no messages. This is the code that gets the messages:

 elseif($mode == "viewinbox") {  $inbox = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE Receiver = '$user' ORDER BY MsgId DESC");?>  <table><?php  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($inbox)) {?>   <tr>    <td><?php echo $row['Sender']; ?></td>    <td><a href="messages.php?mode=viewmsg&id=<?php echo $row['MsgId']; ?>"><?php echo $row['Subject']; ?></a></td>    <td><?php echo date('g:i A \o\n F jS, Y', $row['Time']); ?></td> <!-- 150 -->    <td><a href="messages.php?mode=deletemsg&id=<?php echo $row['MsgId']; ?>">Delete</a></td>   </tr><?php  }?>  </table>  <a href="messages.php?mode=deleteall">Delete All Messages</a><?php  mysql_free_result($inbox); }

I tried adding a code right after the $inbox part, but It didn't do me any good. I tried two versions, they looked like:

if(!$inbox) { die("Box is empty");}------AND------if($inbox == "") { die("Box is empty");}

Neither worked. I'm sure that's basically how I'm supposed to do it, but evidently I'm not writing it right. How do I write it?

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if you try to compare $inbox with anything you'll get a string like "Resource #6" or something like that.I don't think you don't need die() for this, after all, if there are no rows nothing else will be written anyways.You use mysql_num_rows() to see how many rows from the database were extracted with the query:if(mysql_num_rows($inbox) == 0) {echo "Box is empty";}

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if you try to compare $inbox with anything you'll get a string like "Resource #6" or something like that.I don't think you don't need die() for this, after all, if there are no rows nothing else will be written anyways.You use mysql_num_rows() to see how many rows from the database were extracted with the query:if(mysql_num_rows($inbox) == 0) {echo "Box is empty";}
Oh. Seems so easy now. Didn't think about that :). Thanks.
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