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Looping and Forms


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I have a JavaScript function used to write new fields inside a form, each one is given it's own name. The code for that looks like this:

<script type="text/javascript">var i = 1;function addChoices() { numofchoices = prompt("How many choices?","1"); if(i > 1) {  numofchoices = (i * 1) + (numofchoices * 1);  numofchoices = (numofchoices * 1) - 1; } while(i <= numofchoices) {  document.getElementById("newchoices").innerHTML += "Choice " + i + ": ";  document.getElementById("newchoices").innerHTML += "<input type=\"text\" style=\"width: 400px;\" name=\"choice" + i + "\" value=\"\" /><br />";  i = 1 + (i*1); }}

How do I make it so the PHP code I'm using will loop and get the data from each one written? I tried building loops but I don't know how to let it know how many fields there are and have it know to look for "choice1, choice2, etc." until the point when the user stopped adding fields.

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  document.getElementById("newchoices").innerHTML += "<input type=\"text\" style=\"width: 400px;\" name=\"choice[]\" value=\"\" /><br />";

I change the name of the input field to choice[] rather than choice+i. If you want, you could also use choice. Either way will work.To loop through the input fields via PHP:

if (isset($_POST['choice']) and is_array($_POST['choice'])):	  foreach ($_POST['choice'] as $key => $v):		 echo 'Choice ', $key, ': ', $v;	  endforeach;endif;

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Alright. I built the whole loop thing, but it's not doing anything. Here's the three chunks of code I have:The Form:

	echo '<p style="font-weight: bold;">What should the next update be?</p>';	echo '<form action="vote.php?mode=castvote" method="post">';	echo '<div>';	$choices = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM votes");	$descript = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM votecomments WHERE VID = '1'");	$descript = mysql_fetch_array($descript);	echo $descript['Comment'];	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($choices)) {	    echo '<input type="radio" name="vote" value="{$row[\'VID\']}" /> {$row[\'Choice\']}<br />';	}	echo '<p>Comment:<br />';	echo '<textarea rows="5" cols="50" name="comment"></textarea></p>';	echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Vote" />';	echo '</div>';	echo '</form>';

The JavaScript Function:

var i = 1;function addChoices() {    document.getElementById("newchoices").style.visibility = "visible";	document.getElementById("newchoices").style.overflow = "";	document.getElementById("newchoices").style.height = "";    numofchoices = prompt("How many choices?","1");	if(i > 1) {	    numofchoices = (i * 1) + (numofchoices * 1); 		numofchoices = (numofchoices * 1) - 1;	}	while(i <= numofchoices) {	    document.getElementById("newchoices").innerHTML += "Choice " + i + ": ";		document.getElementById("newchoices").innerHTML += "<input type=\"text\" style=\"width: 400px;\" name=\"choice" + i + "\" value=\"\" /><br />";		i = 1 + (i*1);	}	document.getElementByName("numofchoices").value = numofchoices;}

The Processing Code:

elseif($mode == "addchoice") {	$numofchoices = $_POST['numofchoices'];	for($i=1; $i<=$numofchoices; $i++) {        $choice = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['choice' . $i]);		$choice = mysql_query("INPUT INTO votes (Choice, NumOfVotes) VALUES ('$choice', '0')");	}	$descript = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['descript']);	$descript = mysql_query("UPDATE votecomments SET Comment = '$comment' WHERE VID = '1'");	$desctime = mysql_query("UPDATE votecomments SET Time = '$timestamp' WHERE VID = '1'");}

At this point I'm getting irritated, because I don't even know why it doesn't work. The logic seems fine.

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document.getElementByName("numofchoices").value = numofchoices;


document.getElementById("numofchoices").value = numofchoices;

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:) sorry I just noticed
$choice = mysql_query("INPUT INTO votes (Choice, NumOfVotes) VALUES ('$choice', '0')");

That should be

$choice = mysql_query("INSERT INTO votes (Choice, NumOfVotes) VALUES ('$choice', '0')");

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