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A way to edit...


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Hi, I hae a website where I have one thing that appears on every page of the website (just text) is there anyway in PhP to run a seperate single file that I can edit which will change all of the pages? and if so how? or is there a better language to do it in? Thanks.

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Either include() or require()The difference:If the file fails to load, it will just issue warnigns with include() and the rest of the page will still load.With require() if the file fails to load, the whole page won't load.<?phpinclude("the_file_to_include.extension");?>

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Right, well I added that code in where I wnated the file and named the file and stuff, but nothing shows up where the code is on the page, heres what the php file has:<html><body>The server is Currently: OFFLINE</body></html>thats the file i'm linking to from all the pages and nothing shows up. What have I done wrong?

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Oh, so that's the file you want to include into other pages?Well I'll highlight in red what to remove<html><body>The server is Currently: OFFLINE</body></html>If you put those tags in the file, then they'll be included in the other pages and you'll have 2 sets of the game tags.Put that in somefile.extension and then use include("somefile.extension"); in the other pages.If it still doesn't work, then can I see how you included it in the other pages?

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that might be the problemphp only works on a server, as its a server-side language. unless you got a server installed on your computer, then it wont work.you need to upload the files to a server for php to take effect.:)

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