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Offline editor

unknown gamer

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It's called "notepad.exe". You make the site, save it with a .html extension and doubleclick the file to view it in the browser.There are other editors that have better features like indenting and colors to see the code clearer. I use notepad++ http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/

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Once the file is saved, doubleclick on it (in Windows) and it should open in the browser on its own, if you saved it with a .html extension. And you can integrate CSS right in the page, or write <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> and save it in the same folder as the HTML file. (Don't forget to save the CSS file with a .css extension.

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Save the files in any folder on your computer, just use relative paths in all your links, images, stylesheets and the rest. Almost any web developer develops pages on their computer. It's very normal.I never develop them directly on the internet.

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HTML, JavaScript, CSS are client-side languages so the browser renders it and doesn't require internet. Just create a file in any text editor of your choice, save the file with either .htm or .html on the end of the filename. JavaScript and CSS could be inside your HTML file, but need to be enclosed with <script></script> for JavaScript and <style></style> for CSS. Once you saved it, double click the icon of the file you saved it, if the browser doesn't open your page, either open the browser and go to File -> Open File and search for it, or right click on the file -> Open with -> Click on the browser. It's going to have file:/// instead of http:// in the address bar when you view the file.

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