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Html to stop privacy


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Hello,New to the forums so I apologize if this is answered somewhere else. I didn't see it when I looked. I know that there is no foolproof way to stop someone from stealing your graphics from your website. However there are a few ways to make it tough. I have found a few do not right click codes but none of them work. So I reach out to you guys/girls for some help. Do you know of any useful code or how to go about making it tougher for people to steal my work off my photography website? Of course besides watermarking, as I am already doing that. Thanks in advance,Mirosh

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Make your images background imagesOverlay a transparent div on top of your image (with z-index=100 or something silly).Wrap your image in an anchor that leads to disney.com.

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Thank you so much for the reply. I hope this is not too much of a newbie annoyance, but setting an anchor point on the photo? Wont that just make it so when they click it, it goes to the place specified. But they can still right click save the picture? Thanx again.Mirosh

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Wrap your image in an anchor that leads to disney.com.
but setting an anchor point on the photo?
I don't think DD was being serious with that last one :)By the way, also Google "HTML obfusicators" that will scramble your HTML code so that people can't view the source and get image locations. Be aware that this reduces accessibility, however.
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Don't pay for anything that you think is suppose to protect your code or contents. If you by chance you think you found one that is full-proof, I suggest you post it here and let one of us try to extract the code before you cough up your money.

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By the way, recently I was looking at a Flash-based image gallery and it stated that it was impossible to PrintScreen the photos it displayed. Does anyone know how that could be achieved?

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I didn't think that's possible, first of all I don't know the keycode for the "print screen" button. And second of all, I heard that windows prints the screen even before the flash event executes, so you couldn't simply hide the picture on the key event.Even if you could make a program like that, people can still unfocus the flash document so that it doesn't register the key or mouse events.

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Well, you could watermark it in the lower left or right corner so that you can tell that it is your banner...
thats a good start
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