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Regular Expressions and Firefox


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Hello.Has anyone worked with Firefox and regular expressions? Does Firefox handle things differently in any way?Here is what is going on:I am working on a web app that uses this regular expression for validation on a web page.This expressoin is supposed to check to see if a user is browsing and retreiving a JPG file. ValidationExpression="^(([a-zA-Z]:)|(\\{2}\w+)\$?)(\\(\w[\w].*))+(.jpg|.JPG)$" It works in IE. When I user browses to a JPG file, they can upload it. But, when a user tries to upload a JPG file in Firefox, it triggers the validation message and won't allow them to upload it.Here is an example file path from the app. There are no spaces before or after the path. C:\_myQTownApp\ConsumerApp\ConsumerWeb\images\Added_Images\sweatshirt.jpgAny ideas?Thanks,K_Drive

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Hard to say out of context. What I really don't understand is why your expression is so complicated.str.match (/.jpg$/i)This should do everything you need to know on the client end. You're validating the extension, not the whole path.I assume your server script performs actual validation of the file's mime-type?

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Hard to say out of context. What I really don't understand is why your expression is so complicated.str.match (/.jpg$/i)This should do everything you need to know on the client end. You're validating the extension, not the whole path.I assume your server script performs actual validation of the file's mime-type?
DD: Thanks for the reply. It's not my expression. I'm just the tester/fixer/other.I will send this to my manager. He's the one who understands the REs. I am just an RE newbie.K_Drive
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By the way the regular expression delimiter in JavaScript is the forward slash /, not the quotation mark ". Try that.

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Another thing to keep in mind is that Firefox and IE differ in their implementations of the input type="file" element.Consider this:

<html><body><input type="file" onchange="alert(this.value)" /></body></html>

Using your file path as an example (C:\_myQTownApp\ConsumerApp\ConsumerWeb\images\Added_Images\sweatshirt.jpg):Firefox alerts:sweatshirt.jpgIE alerts:C:\_myQTownApp\ConsumerApp\ConsumerWeb\images\Added_Images\sweatshirt.jpg

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Everyone:Thanks you for all the replies. After further research, it appears that the problem isn't with the expression. It is an exact duplicate of one from the MSDN website with only the file extensions changed.It turns out that the problem is that the ASP.NET client-side validation doesn't work well with non-MS browers. Here is one article about it:http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/051204-1.aspxThanks to all who responded.K_Drive

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