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Problem, Keeping Data Across Functions


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Nevermind, I'll just use separate files for different access and configuration.P.S: Since the code is over 20000 characters, I'm editing it out. But if you still want to know the problem...1.] The installer is split into two files: index.php and includes/install.inc.php2.] install.inc.php and index.php within the setup folder here give out two different db connection outputs. (however, install.inc.php alone gives out two different connections between certain steps)3.] However, install.inc.php doesn't carry over session/request data for DB information between steps (at least since I changed it.) This causes MySQL to connect using ODBC user instead of the specified user that the installer session data sent earlier.To get around this, I'm going to break this all up, into separate files. The initial install file (index.php) will creade dbinfo.inc.php in the includes directory in the forum's root dir. After that, index.php will ask the user to go on. When the user presses Next, the user will be redirected to another file, installDB.php, from there, the data will be sent to the database using dbinfo.inc.php data rather than session stored data.Previously, the installer used serialize to install a table, so I'm using roundabout ways to make it not use as such. I'll have to re-code the installer from scratch because I need it to do things it couldn't do before.

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