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Form Variables Driving Me Crazy


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Ok, here goes. I have an online store and I am trying to incorporate a shipping companies rate tool into it and I am not having much luck. Here is a link to the test page (its not actually "live" within the store yet):http://www.qualityfloorsdirect.com/collect...ollectionid=777Here is a link to the coding for the page:http://www.qualityfloorsdirect.com/collect...ate_newCODE.aspIts long and I figured if I put up a link it would make it easier.This is how the B2B tool works: I pass the required data to the freight company via a link to their B2B Rate Tool with a url like so:"http://www.rlcarriers.com/b2brateparam.asp?id=9373821281&origin= 45177&dest=34482&class1=55&weight1=1200&custdata=123456 &respickup=X&resdel=X&insidechrg=X&furnchrg=X&cod=65"and they send me back another url with the necessary information in it using more url parameters.THE SNAG: I made a form field "zipcode" so that customers can enter their zip code into it and then I figured if I did dest= <% Request.Form ("zipcode") %> in the url it would work, but alas, it isn't and it is driving me nuts!!Now when I first made the site I know i had to individualize those calculated cartons input fields so I just added the product id after so the name="VARstockQuantity<%=(products.Fields.Item("product_id").Value)%>" I tried doing that with the zip code fields so it wasdest= <% Request.Form ("zipcode<%=(products.Fields.Item("product_id").Value)%>") %> but I got syntax errors and couldn't get that to go either. Any and all help would be GREATLY appreciated, this is really starting to drive me absolutely crazy!!Thanks,Sirena

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Keep in mind that variables in Request.Form are only available when someone submits a form. If they haven't submitted the form with the zip code in it, then Request.Form("zipcode") isn't going to have anything in it.

I tried doing that with the zip code fields so it wasdest= <% Request.Form ("zipcode<%=(products.Fields.Item("product_id").Value)%>") %> but I got syntax errors and couldn't get that to go either.
It would be:Request.Form("zipcode" & products.Fields.Item("product_id").Value)
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I cam up with a workable solution so I figured I would share it just in case this thread ever applies to anyone else. What I am going to use is create one main form and have it go to a form_processor.asp The main form on the products page will submit the form variables via url parameters to the form_processor.asp which will then take the necessary values to write them to a url and then I will use a response.redirect to have it send it to the B2B rate tool. So thank god, problem solved!

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Ok new problem and this is something I always get stuck on. Here is the code:<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%><!--#include file="Connections/QFD.asp" --><%Dim Recordset1__MMColParamRecordset1__MMColParam = "1"If (Request.QueryString("productid") <> "") Then Recordset1__MMColParam = Request.QueryString("productid")End If%><%Dim Recordset1Dim Recordset1_numRowsSet Recordset1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")Recordset1.ActiveConnection = MM_QFD_STRINGRecordset1.Source = "SELECT product_id, manufacturerid, originzip, manufacturer FROM productentry, Manufacturers WHERE Manufacturers.manufacturerid = productentry.manufacturer AND product_id = " + Replace(Recordset1__MMColParam, "'", "''") + ""Recordset1.CursorType = 0Recordset1.CursorLocation = 2Recordset1.LockType = 1Recordset1.Open()Recordset1_numRows = 0%><%DIM TW, ZC, CTTW = Request.Querystring("TW" & Recordset1.Fields.Item("product_id").Value)ZC = Request.Querystring("zipcode" & Recordset1.Fields.Item("product_id").Value)CT = Request.Querystring("VARstockquantity" & Recordset1.Fields.Item("product_id").Value)Response.redirect ("http://www.rlcarriers.com/b2brateparam.asp?id=5089472225&origin=(Recordset1.Fields.Item("&originzip&").Value)&dest=("&ZC&")&class1=55&weight1=("&TW&")&custdata=CT|(Recordset1.Fields.Item("&product_id&").Value)&respickup=&resdel=X&insidechrg=&furnchrg=&cod=0")%><%Recordset1.Close()Set Recordset1 = Nothing%>PROBLEM: formating the response.redirect properly, I am horrible at this aspect of VB coding. Help please!

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Response.redirect ("http://www.rlcarriers.com/b2brateparam.asp?id=5089472225&origin=" & Recordset1.Fields.Item("originzip").Value & "&dest=" & ZC & "&class1=55&weight1=" & TW & "&custdata=CT|" & Recordset1.Fields.Item("product_id").Value & "&respickup=&resdel=X&insidechrg=&furnchrg=&cod=0")The & operator will join two strings or variables together.

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