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Need help with creating multiple movieclips dynamically


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Hi, I'm trying to create a flash application that every time you click a button it places a new instance of a movie clip onto the stage that can be dragged and dropped.Here's the code I have so far:"draw_mc" is a movieclip the user clicks on to create as mony rectangles as they want.Right now when the user clicks on it, one rectangle will be created and can be dragged around, but if the user clicks it again, it disappears and a new one is created.

var $i = 0;var $dynamicName = "a" + $i;draw_mc.onPress = function() : Void {	$i++;}draw_mc.onPress = function() : Void {	newRect($dynamicName, $i);}//User Functionsfunction newRect(instanceName, layer){	var rect = createEmptyMovieClip(instanceName, layer);	rect.beginFill(0xcc00cc, 80);	rect.moveTo(20, 20);	rect.lineTo(140, 20);	rect.lineTo(140, 140);	rect.lineTo(20, 140);	rect.endFill();	drag(rect);	drop(rect);}function drag(a){	a.onPress = function(): Void {	this.startDrag();	}}function drop(a){	a.onRelease = function(): Void {	this.stopDrag();	}}

Thanks for your help!

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EDIT: Nevermind I got it. Thanks!Thanks justsomeguy, can you help me with creating a dynamic name or is the name really not even the issue for creating multiple instances of the same movieclip?I tried this below to try and set the $dynamicName variable each time the user clicks, but it still doesn't work.

var $i = 0;var $dynamicName = "a" + $i;draw_mc.onPress = function() : Void {	$dynamicName = "a" + $i;	$i++;}draw_mc.onPress = function() : Void {	newRect($dynamicName, $i);}//User Functionsfunction newRect(instanceName, layer){	var $rect = createEmptyMovieClip(instanceName, layer);	$rect.beginFill(0xcc00cc, 80);	$rect.moveTo(20, 20);	$rect.lineTo(140, 20);	$rect.lineTo(140, 140);	$rect.lineTo(20, 140);	$rect.endFill();	drag($rect);	drop($rect);}function drag(a){	a.onPress = function(): Void {	this.startDrag();	}}function drop(a){	a.onRelease = function(): Void {	this.stopDrag();	}}


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