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Keep track on the time of modification (as a DATETIME field in the tables in question), and make a query that selects entries on that date range. You can get the number of entries fetched from PHP itself. If you aren't going to use the data itself, but just want the number, then I think there may be a function in SQL that would return only that in a single column. I don't know which one exactly though. Try to search in the MySQL (or whatever) documentation for this.

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Keep track on the time of modification (as a DATETIME field in the tables in question), and make a query that selects entries on that date range. You can get the number of entries fetched from PHP itself. If you aren't going to use the data itself, but just want the number, then I think there may be a function in SQL that would return only that in a single column. I don't know which one exactly though. Try to search in the MySQL (or whatever) documentation for this.
there are so many ways to store the date/time thats the thing that is confusing me.. should I use a time stamp? or MySQL's now() ??
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