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ASP and IIS7 (2008)


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I'm in the process of migrating many of my classic ASP apps to a Windows 2008 server and have encountered a few pitfalls on the way. Some I have solved by trial and a good search on web. Others have yet to resolved.Server Side Includes (SSI)

<!--#include file="../scripts/functions.inc" -->

has been replaced by (and works now)

<!-- #include virtual="/scripts/functions.inc" -->

However I have a few pages that use

<!-- #include virtual="/scripts/adovbs.inc" -->

and the viewing of the database is OK but when trying to update the db I get the unfriendly IIS7 error message on the browser to say that a server error has happened. I have checked and the IUSR has the ability to do all the necessary read write etc permissions on the files in the folder.This works when reading but not writing

CONN_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("phones.mdb") & ";"

I modified the code from having the path and db location in a separate db folder (such as)

CONN_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("../db/phones.mdb") & ";"

But for some reason it fails to work like this for IIS7 when it worked fine with IIS6.I have many standard db's such as telephone list and noticeboard that I have update pages for and I like to keep the db's in a single folder.

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Try to turn on the detailed error messages in IIS7, and see if they help.You can turn then on by going to the "IIS7 Manager > Error Pages (either globally or on your site) > Edit Feature Settings" and select the third option.I'm not familiar enough with SSI and/or ASP to help you with that.

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I have found a solution to the problem with this

CONN_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("../db/phones.mdb") & ";"

After turning on the normal errors I got a sensible message to say that the path can't contain certain characters.Enable Parent Paths setting on the ASP section in IIS enables you to specify paths like ../dbThanks for your assistance.Busy checking out a couple of other error messages.

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