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Ajax POST accent problem


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I am using a javascript to update content on the fly and also to send post data of a submitted textfield to a php page where I then update a database, BUT my problem is, the javascript string when it is collected by the php is not collecting it properly, instead of "Chizé" I am retreiving and saving to the database: "chizé" as I update the page's content without the ajax, the user initially sees the correct string, but if they refresh or leave and come back they get the second result.Why? and how can I make it so that the php collects the javascript post data correctly?This is my javascript, I have alert() the data to check if the info was correct and this part of the script is fine:

function updatesite(data, whatdata, userid){	xmlHttp=GetXmlHttpObject();		if (xmlHttp==null){		  alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX!");		  return;		  } 	var url="updateSiteinfo.php";	xmlHttp.open("POST",url,true);	xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");	myData = whatdata+"="+ data;	myData += "&memberID="+ userid;	xmlHttp.send(myData);}

And the updateSiteinfo.php file looks like this:

if($_POST['nexttrip']){	require_once ('db_connect.php');	$nexttrip = $_POST['nexttrip'];	$member = $_POST['memberID'];		$q = "SELECT * 		FROM Profils		WHERE userid = $member";	$res = mysql_query ($q, $dbc);	$exists=@mysql_num_rows($res);	if($exists == 1){		$q = "UPDATE Profils SET next_trip='$nexttrip' WHERE userid = $member";		$r = @mysql_query ($q);		}elseif($exists == 0){		$q = "INSERT INTO Profils(userid,image,site,next_trip) VALUES($member, '', '', '$nexttrip')";		$r = @mysql_query ($q);		}}

So it should be in the php at this point: $nexttrip = $_POST['nexttrip'];Where it all goes wrong,Please help, DJP

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the firebug is telling me I am sending the wrong text:nexttrip: é(when I send 'é')It seems I need to set my page to utf-8right now I am in:charset=ISO-8859-1Will there be any problems if I change it?Okay just tried, Here is what I want to do: I need to get it so the database entry is correctly accented with 'é' right now with utf-8 the accents appear but the database is still being given values such as é, how can I get around this, I have tried sending the é through but on the php page that handles the variables and queries the data base I put utf-8 but this doesn't work...

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hmmm this seems to be a very big problem with only complex solutions, is there no way I can loop through a strnig and replace the accents by their html equivilant before sending the data through AJAX? OR somehow decode the string in the page that handles the text?

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Victory is mine, all I needed to do is decode the string in php before saving to data base: $nexttrip = utf8_decode($nexttrip);

if($_POST['nexttrip']){	require_once ('db_connect.php');	$nexttrip = $_POST['nexttrip'];	$member = $_POST['memberID'];    	$nexttrip = utf8_decode($nexttrip);	$q = "SELECT *		FROM Profils		WHERE userid = $member";	$res = mysql_query ($q, $dbc);	$exists=@mysql_num_rows($res);	if($exists == 1){		$q = "UPDATE Profils SET next_trip='$nexttrip' WHERE userid = $member";		$r = @mysql_query ($q);		}elseif($exists == 0){		$q = "INSERT INTO Profils(userid,image,site,next_trip) VALUES($member, '', '', '$nexttrip')";		$r = @mysql_query ($q);		}}

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