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is_dir() issue


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Hi, I'm trying to return the names of the directories from within a folder.Here's my code:

function returnDirectories($folderName){	$dir = $folderName. "/";	$dh  = opendir($dir);	$i = 0; 	while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {		$files[$i] = $filename;		if(is_dir($files[$i])){			$path = $dir . $files[$i];			echo "<a href=\"$path\">".  $files[$i] . " dir</a><br />";		}				$i++;	}}

without my is_dir($files[$i]) statement, it prints out all of the directory names, but when I add the is_dir(), it only prints the "." and ".." directory. Why would this be? Folders are directories, correct?Thanks!

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