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Reading csv file


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I have a csv file that looks like: UniuqeID;firstname;lastnameA form lets the user set the UniuqeID ($prk)What I want is to read the csv file and put the data of the line that matches the UniuqeID in $userDataI have written the underneath code for it, but it is not working.Where am I going wrong?

	$fh = fopen("users.log", 'r');	while (!feof($fh))		{			$theData = fgets($fh);			if (stripos($theData,$prk) !== False)			{				$userData = fgetcsv($fh,";");			}		}	fclose($fh);

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I've never tried reading a file in just this combination. I THINK that when you call fgets() the file pointer gets advanced to the next line. So fgetcsv() will be reading the NEXT line, not the one you want.Again, I haven't tried this, but you might try str_getcsv($theData, ';') instead of fgetcsv();Should you also break out of the while loop once you have a successful match? No use in continuing the file read.Any reason you're not using a database like MySql? Same idea, but much simpler.

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Much simpler? Not for me. I just started learning php, so one thing at a time. Mysql will come after I decently know php :) But this morning I woke up, looked at the code and thought.... What a mess. But I also saw something else. A rather easy way to do it.

// Get the user data	$fh = fopen("users.log", 'r');	while (!feof($fh))		{		$tempData = fgetcsv($fh,",");		if ($tempData[0] == $prk)			{			$userData = $tempData;			}		}	fclose($fh);

It may not be the 'cleanest' code, but at least it is working. Ok, it still reads the entire csv file, but at least it graps the correct data (line)

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To stop the loop, you just have to add "break;" below "$userData = $tempData;".That'll save you quite a bit of overhead if your "users.log" file becomes large.[EDIT] I should have included a code sample. Here:

		if ($tempData[0] == $prk)			{			$userData = $tempData;			break;			}


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