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:) I have an ALT attribute for an <img tag, and my ALT message is a bit long.
<img src="p7exp/images/Horn_of_plenty.jpg" width="800" height="538" alt="Horn of Plenty Symbol of the harvest and of thanksgiving."/>

I would like to insert a line break, carrage return pair, or something, so that my alt message reads Horn of PlentySymbol of the harvest and of thanksgiving.

A \r\n works in an alert or prompt box, <br /> works in HTML. What works in an ALT message?

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Hi,Can I ask what is your purpose in breaking it to 2 lines?You can write it this way alt="Horn of Plenty (Symbol of the harvest and of thanksgiving.)" so it can be divided as an added information but if this is not your objective please disregard this idea... have a nice day.

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