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Rounding to 2 decimal numbers


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Hi,I am making a bulk order price list, please see my code below. My code works fine but what I need is to round off the decimal numbers to 2 digits... e.g. if total price is 398.8999999 but I want to display it like 398.90 , thanks.

<html><head><script type="text/javascript">function getIndex(){var x=document.getElementById("mySelect");var y = x.selectedIndex;var z = new Array();z[0] = 7.45;z[1] = 5.34;z[2] = 7.25;z[3] = 4.99;var a = document.getElementById("quantity").value;var b = z[y] * a;if (a == "" || isNaN(a)) {alert("Please enter quantity");} else {switch (y) {case 0:	 document.getElementById("display").innerHTML= "Coke " + "$" + b;		document.getElementById("item").innerHTML= z[0];break;case 1: document.getElementById("display").innerHTML= "Royal " + "$" + b;		document.getElementById("item").innerHTML= z[1];break;case 2: document.getElementById("display").innerHTML= "Sprite " + "$" + b;		document.getElementById("item").innerHTML= z[2];break;case 3: document.getElementById("display").innerHTML= "Sarsi " + "$" + b;		document.getElementById("item").innerHTML= z[3];}}}</script></head><body><form style="background-color:#CCCCCC; padding-left:10px; padding-top:10px;">Select your soda:<select id="mySelect" onclick="getIndex()">  <option>Coke</option>  <option>Royal</option>  <option>Sprite</option>  <option>Sarsi</option></select><br />Item Price:<textarea id="item" cols="5" rows="1"></textarea><br />Quantity:<input type="text" id="quantity"/><br /><br /></form><div id="display" style="background-color:red; color:white; font-weight:bold; height:20px; padding-top:5px; padding-left:10px;">Total Price</div></body></html>

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Hi Synook,Thank you, I am not that good in arithmetic though but this is a wake up call! anyways I added your formula below (see code).I am planning to add "," if the value is in thousands, millions etc., I was thinking of .length that I read in w3school, but it's only basic, I am currently browsing the answer on web.

<html><head><script type="text/javascript">function getIndex(){var x=document.getElementById("mySelect");var y = x.selectedIndex;var z = new Array();z[0] = 7.45;z[1] = 5.34;z[2] = 7.25;z[3] = 4.99;var a = document.getElementById("quantity").value;var b = z[y] * a;if (a == "" || isNaN(a)) {alert("Please enter quantity");} else {switch (y) {case 0:	 document.getElementById("display").innerHTML= "Coke " + "$" + Math.round(b*100) / 100;		document.getElementById("item").innerHTML= z[0];break;case 1: document.getElementById("display").innerHTML= "Royal " + "$" + Math.round(b*100) / 100;		document.getElementById("item").innerHTML= z[1];break;case 2: document.getElementById("display").innerHTML= "Sprite " + "$" + Math.round(b*100) / 100;		document.getElementById("item").innerHTML= z[2];break;case 3: document.getElementById("display").innerHTML= "Sarsi " + "$" + Math.round(b*100) / 100;		document.getElementById("item").innerHTML= z[3];}}}</script></head><body><form style="background-color:#CCCCCC; padding-left:10px; padding-top:10px;">Select your soda:<select id="mySelect" onclick="getIndex()">  <option>Coke</option>  <option>Royal</option>  <option>Sprite</option>  <option>Sarsi</option></select><br />Item Price:<textarea id="item" cols="5" rows="1"></textarea><br />Quantity:<input type="text" id="quantity"/><br /><br /></form><div id="display" style="background-color:red; color:white; font-weight:bold; height:20px; padding-top:5px; padding-left:10px;">Total Price</div></body></html>

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If you want it more extended you could use something like this:

function roundNumber(num, dec) {	var result = Math.round(num*Math.pow(10,dec))/Math.pow(10,dec);	return result;}

And then:

var roundedNumber = roundNumber(annualPremium,2)

where you want / need it.

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