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html code into php


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You probably didn't escape your quotes that you used to start a string.Error:echo 'O' Reilly';PHP will think I have ended the string after the letter O, and think Reilly constant (isn't defined), and I didn't concatenate (join the scalar (single value like strings and numbers) values together).So you will have to escape them by placing a \ before the character that needs to be escaped.echo 'O\' Reilly';

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Hi, i don't know how its this formally called, but you can code with php and html in the same file and still not being 'mixed', like this:<?php...//code...if(condition){?><form acti.....> <input .... value="<?php echo $myvar; ?>" /></form><?php}?>hope this helps

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Double quotes inside double quotes must be escaped. You could also change them to single quotes. Or you could "trap" your HTML inside a PHP condition that spans two PHP tags. This looks a little weird if you've never seen it, but it really works:

<?php	$m = 5;	if ($m == 5) { // OPENING THE BRACES HERE CAUSES THE HTML BELOW TO BE PRINTED ONLY IF THE CONDITION IS TRUE?><form method="post" action="test.php">	<input name="name" value="" type="text"><br>	<input type="submit"><br></form><?php	} // AND WE CLOSE THE BRACE HERE?>

This is especially useful (and easy to read) if the trapped HTML doesn't contain any PHP variables that need to be interpolated.

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Double quotes inside double quotes must be escaped. You could also change them to single quotes. Or you could "trap" your HTML inside a PHP condition that spans two PHP tags. This looks a little weird if you've never seen it, but it really works:
<?php	$m = 5;	if ($m == 5) { // OPENING THE BRACES HERE CAUSES THE HTML BELOW TO BE PRINTED ONLY IF THE CONDITION IS TRUE?><form method="post" action="test.php">	<input name="name" value="" type="text"><br>	<input type="submit"><br></form><?php	} // AND WE CLOSE THE BRACE HERE?>

This is especially useful (and easy to read) if the trapped HTML doesn't contain any PHP variables that need to be interpolated.

thanks.And something else if i want to use the var $_POST["name"] from the above form into the second PHP tag will it work?
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Yes. All variables you declare outside of functions are global throughout the document, as are superglobals like $_POST. That is, their scope is not limited to one set of <?php ?> tags. Different tags simply demarcate portions of the script from the true HTML portions. Think of it this way: there is only one script per document, though it may come in more than one section.

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