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Begiiner Help, "not Declared".

Ruud Hermans

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I can't figure this out. It tells me "Man" and "Vrouw" are not declared but those are the values from the ComboBox1. I have searched the internet looking for the answer but I can't find it anywhere. Sure there should be more easy way's for the entire thing but I am still in the beginningstage of learning. So if possible build on from this and hopefully some one is able of telling me what is wrong.

Public Class Form1	Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged	End Sub	Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click		Dim leeftijd, lengte, gewicht, AL, BMR, BMR1, BMR2, BMR3, BMR4, BMR5, BMR6, onderhoud, eiwitten As Integer		Dim geslacht As String		geslacht = ComboBox1.Text		lengte = TextBox1.Text		gewicht = TextBox2.Text		AL = ComboBox2.Text		leeftijd = TextBox6.Text		BMR1 = gewicht * 13.7		BMR2 = lengte * 5		BMR3 = leeftijd * 6.8		BMR4 = gewicht * 9.6		BMR5 = lengte * 1.8		BMR6 = leeftijd * 4.7		If geslacht = Man Then			BMR = 66 + BMR1 + BMR2 + BMR3		ElseIf geslacht = Vrouw Then			BMR = 655 + BMR4 + BMR5 + BMR6		Else			MsgBox("Geen ingave geslacht.")		End If		TextBox3.Text = BMR	End SubEnd Class

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If the "Man" and Vrouw" are values, then don't you want to put them in quotation marks?

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Like Synook said, place quotation marks around them to make them values otherwise it might think you are trying to use a variable or constant, and that just means to set the type of data you are using for the variable or constant and the value you assigned to it.

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