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File Upload Progress Bar


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I found this (http://us3.php.net/manual/en/apc.configuration.php#ini.apc.rfc1867) I am not sure I understand it though. if I wanted to make a progress bar, I would have the script return the total and current and the rate, but how would I use JavaScript to add the rate to current so it was accurate? Do I add it every second? Is this the correct way to make a upload progress bar?

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I haven't used that method before, but it sounds like you send an AJAX request to the PHP script to look up the correct key from the APC cache which has the information needed. You would have the PHP script send back whatever information you want, I guess the only thing you really need is the percent complete. If you want to send the total size or whatever else you can format the PHP response using JSON or something else that Javascript will understand.

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