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Relevant Arrays For Str_replace Cannot Be In Inc File?


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I have a str_replace function, which I need to use on each individual web page and there for several fields, which are displayed from database. My issue is that I would like to have:$issues = array("£", "€");$replacements = array("£", "ß");in an include file, so I can maintain it from one place. This does not work, problematic characters do not get replaced. Only when I have:$issues = array("£", "€");$replacements = array("£", "ß");$text = str_replace($issues, $replacements, $text);all in relevant web page the problematic characters are replaced. Is there another workaround? This is not very efficient...Son

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Can you show an example? If you have the find and replacement arrays defined you only need the str_replace line in your other files to tell it what to work on.
It started working (which it should have in the first place). Sometimes I cannot quite understand why some things do not work in first place, but then without a change from my part they start to work. Maybe when I upload changes there is still some stuff cached. It is a miracle to me...Thanks for your help,Son
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