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Using Javascript To Change Javascript?


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EDIT: I've figured it out, so don't reply to this! Please delete, mods... :EDITI want to use this script:

<script type="text/javascript"> var xmlDoc;if (window.ActiveXObject){// code for IExmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");}else if (document.implementation.createDocument){// code for Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, etc.xmlDoc=document.implementation.createDocument("","",null);}else{alert('Your browser cannot handle this script');}var x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("CONTENT");function news(){ xmlDoc.async=false;xmlDoc.load("news.xml");news=(xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("CONTENT")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue);document.getElementById("content").innerHTML="<p class='wrap'>"+news+"</p>"}</script>
a number of times on my site, called by onclicks from a menudiv:
<p class ="table" onclick="news()">news</p>
Is there any way to alter the script from within the menudiv so that I don't need to copy the script out 15 times? It's pretty messy with that many scripts, and they're practically the same. I don't know if I can use an external script that will alter the relevant parts as required (i.e. the variable news becomes film if you click the film 'link'.Any thoughts?
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EDIT: I've figured it out, so don't reply to this! Please delete, mods... :EDITI want to use this script:a number of times on my site, called by onclicks from a menudiv:Is there any way to alter the script from within the menudiv so that I don't need to copy the script out 15 times? It's pretty messy with that many scripts, and they're practically the same. I don't know if I can use an external script that will alter the relevant parts as required (i.e. the variable news becomes film if you click the film 'link'.Any thoughts?
Hm. When I say I've figured it out, I really haven't. I can't seem to get a script to work that reads the menu items and then assigns the name of the menu item to a variable and loads the relevant xml file when the menu item is clicked on.
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If all your XML documents had the same structure, you could use a parameter in your function:

function changeSection(content) {  xmlDoc.async=false;  xmlDoc.load(content + ".xml")  result = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("CONTENT")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;  document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = "<p class='wrap'>" + result + "</p>";}

And then call the function with a parameter:

<p class ="table" onclick="changeSection('news')">news</p>

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If all your XML documents had the same structure, you could use a parameter in your function:
function changeSection(content) {  xmlDoc.async=false;  xmlDoc.load(content + ".xml")  result = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("CONTENT")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue;  document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = "<p class='wrap'>" + result + "</p>";}

And then call the function with a parameter:

<p class ="table" onclick="changeSection('news')">news</p>

You are a beautiful individual, do you know that?
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